Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Sunny-D's Birthday!

May 23, 2019

Dancy's birthday morning, I was going to the bathroom and Samson just could not wait to get started on the birthday pancakes for breakfast. Boy knows what to do: get a mixing bowl, go to the basement, fill the mixing bowl with wheat from the bucket, bring it up to the kitchen for grinding. He told me he had a little spill in the basement and to not be mad because he tried to clean it up but he couldn't get everything. I love this human!

Dancy was thrilled with her chocolate chip pancakes with blueberries, whipped cream, and sprinkles on top.

Katie got creative.

She also made Dancy a tiger balloon.

Samson fixed my hair for the occasion.

Katie goes all out on celebration days!

Chillin' with Minecraft after breakfast and decorating.

She's 6!

And then this happened. Those who know my high school history know how proud this made me! I did not teach her, she just has natural skills.

She taught our neighbor Anna how to throw streamers.

And then Samson and Thora were helping me make Dancy's requested Tomato Soup and Grilled Cheese for dinner, but the honey jar was left out from breakfast. I look up from using my immersion blender to see them tag-teaming finger dipping. I asked what they were doing and Thora said with a shrug, "Well, we saw that it was honey!"

Next morning, Thora came downstairs like this.

"Mom, my brain is cracking!" It's funny how I know exactly what that means and what it feels like. What an excellent description! So I gave her hugs and a quick breakfast and tucked her in my bed to watch Netflix and cuddle and have some recharge time.

Dancy's tiger balloon from the previous day popped, so a new one was made.

"Let's dress up to watch Alice in Wonderland!"

That afternoon we went mini golfing.

Watched Men in Black with the kids (which Samson excitedly talked about the next day as "Black Men"). Still need to watch it again because Katie left after about half an hour to play with our friend Emma before she went to Michigan for 2 weeks.

Saturday, we played at Palmer Park and I taught Tommy how to throw a football.

He added his left arm to help his aim or something...

Another day, I came up the stairs and saw this crumpled Cinderella dress on the floor in the corner and as I came to pick it up, I saw that it was actually Thora IN the dress!

Being a princess is hard sometimes.

Katie made plans (and now 4 months later keeps reminding me) to "invite Katie to a tea party...and her kids." And she took this selfie and told me to send it to Forest Katie so she'd know.

On the way home from the forest...

Forest Katie was weaving flower crowns that day.

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