Tuesday, October 1, 2019

May Snowstorm

Driving home from the DaVinci exhibit, the rain that had been falling all day turned to big, fluffy, wet snow chunks. No, not snowflakes. Certainly not flakes. Chunks.

The next morning, we woke to this. To be clear, the date was May 21, 2019.

The White Witch's power over Narnia had returned. Eternal winter.

I needed to get something at King Soopers on the way home from yoga at the Y and this girl came in with me. "Oooooh! I love Cheetos! Oooooooooh, and CHOOOOOOCOLATE!" I told her I'd get the chocolate if we left the Cheetos behind. Besides, her taste in chocolate is clearly refined.

And then lunch eating mussels and a boiled egg!

Just a normal winter afternoon...in May.

All that snow and this is what it looked like in the afternoon. Good thing I didn't bother to shovel my driveway!

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