Sunday, April 14, 2019

5 Kids and a Furball

Woot! We're in March now!!

Friday night, Katie asked me if I had any plans for breakfast the next morning. I did not. She told me that she, Tommy, and Dancy had discussed a plan that they'd like to give me and Shad the day off and they'd cook us breakfast in bed. She asked for my order. Shad was gone somewhere, so she asked me to get his order when he came home. Next morning, we woke up hearing her cooking in the kitchen and then our food was delivered. She cooked the eggs just the way Shad taught her. (They really aren't burned.)

Tommy wrote the note:
Mom and Dad, Happy day off. Wee hope that you to injoy the day off. Wee hope that wee can still go to Home Depo. If not, still injoy yor day off. 
Form Tommy
Happyy!!! Day Off
To Dad To Mom
I love you!!! Mom... and Dad

We did make it to Home Depot and it was epic.
{Samson, stealing the attention from Dancy, who requested the picture.}

Also, Katie fixed his hair at his request.

Bumblebee! Katie doesn't like Bumblebee. And Thora looks confused. Tommy might know who Bumblebee is, but pretty sure no one else does.
{Samson, Bumblebee, Tommy, Thora, Dancy}

Scarlet has a little bit of a foot fetish.

Thora was feeling sick one morning and asked, "Mom, I'm not feeling too well. Will you check my beaver?" She meant fever. It never ceases to make me laugh!

When you're catching up on Game of Thrones (that you've been missing out on all these years) and feeling fiery yourself and then realize that your Chinese zodiac is a dragon.

I suggested painting nails with the girls. I forget that they're old enough now where they don't want ME to paint THEIR nails, THEY want to paint MY nails. Came out slightly different than I'd have picked, but it was still fun.

And I forgot I can do this sweet trick!

Shad and Thora...

Um, children? Why is there a temporary tattoo on my table cloth?

We had a string of fantastic snow storms that gave us this sweet view somewhere in town. Can't even remember where now!

Thora LOVES All-American Rejects. "Swing, Swing" is her jam. I introduced her to "Move Along" to broaden her scope. Then she asked me it there's a movie with "Move Along." She wants to watch it. This is logical to me on two counts: 1. We always listen to music and play "Name That Movie." It's a game my brother Jake and I like to play when we're together. My kids are great at this game with me. 2. We had that time where we loved the song "Breakfast at Tiffany's" and I told the kids that it's about a movie and we watched that movie. So...I ordered She's the Man from ebay. And it rocked. Thora's. world.

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