Saturday, September 15, 2018

Nomad Midwest Trip, Days 18 & 19: Heading Home

The 8.5 hour drive from Rochester to Bloomington, Nebraska was easy and went pretty fast. We stopped at Costco in Omaha for our midway stop to walk around. We ate samples, bought some more snacks (they had the Fiber One bars that Colorado Springs and Aurora stopped carrying!), and bought smoothies at the food court to carry out for lunch. Bad idea there. Not two minutes after Four had hers (mind you, she was already buckled in) she dropped it. Okay, I'll get a towel out of the back end to cover that up because I sure can't clean it right now! And a second one spilled before we got to Kansas.

Bloomington is home to Mike and Laurel McDonald, who are Two's adopted grandparents from our church in Kansas. Laurel was her Primary teacher and Two just decided one day that she was always going to sit with them to keep them company. She was going to adopt them. They do love each other dearly.

We had dinner with the McDonalds. Mike had a little bag of polished rocks he bought for Two at Little America because he thought of her when he saw them. She had brought a bag to church once to show him. They also gave her a necklace.

Porch cuddles
{Mike and Two}

{Four, Mike, Two, Five, Laurel, Three, One}

You know you're in Nebraska when there's retired military planes and tanks in the parks.

After leaving the McDonalds, we stopped in Smith Center for a porch pickup of 6 gallons of honey from my beekeeper. Yes, you read that correctly. I have a beekeeper in Kansas. He sells a gallon of honey for $32. I'm out and wanted to really stock up because who knows when I'm gonna drive through next. And one of my forest friends wanted a gallon, too. And small town life in Kansas means you can leave $192 of merchandise on your porch for a customer to pick up and you know that she's gonna leave a check in the door.

We made it to middle-of-nowhere Kansas around 9 and the kids went right to running out their energy. We visited with Charly and Tony until around 10:30. Three was the only one who indicated being tired and wanting to go to bed. The next day was dreary and we didn't feel a need to venture out in the mud to see the farm, so we stayed inside chatting and playing and watching Wonder Woman. When the movie finished around 1 in the afternoon, I noticed that Three wasn't watching or playing in the other room. I went to find her upstairs in our bed.

We had a late lunch and said our goodbyes so we could get home with only a 5 hour drive.
{Three, Four, Charly, Two, One, Five}

We got home and the kids immediately set to work to quickly unload the van all together. I ordered Chinese delivery for dinner and we went to run around the park while we waited for our food.

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