Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Growing Green Onions

Last spring I planted store-bought green onions in these self-watering buckets I have in my backyard.(I'll post about those soon when I have pictures of the process.) I quit tending my garden last July when I could no longer get off the couch due to my complicated pregnancy (that was being 1 month pregnant then).

In March, when I came out of the house from my hibernation, I was greeted by a pleasant surprise--the onions had wintered over! Now I know why they're called Spring Onions. Not only had they survived the winter, but they were thriving!

Here's what they looked like 2 weeks ago, still without any care from my hand.

That stalk is as thick as my thumb!

Here's what the bucket system looks like:

Green onions are like grass--they keep growing and you can just cut the greens to have perpetual use out of them. I haven't been using them fast enough and now they're so heavy with the pods at the top that they're falling over! I'm excited to see what the pods do. Last year I also planted radishes, and then when my garden got plowed over at summer's end, the seeds spread through the space. Now my whole garden is full of wild radishes! I still haven't done a thing! All those white blossoms are the radish plants.

What are your favorite things to grow? Have you tried anything experimental?

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