Friday, April 5, 2019

Nomad Southeast Trip, Day 8: Ormond Beach

December 28, 2018


I was looking forward to doing yoga on the beach right by the waves so I could feel it wash over my feet occasionally. Sun salutations to the sun. Ormond Beach is a hard packed beach because it used to be a racing beach. In fact, it is known as "The Birthplace of Speed." But then if you move up by the wall, the sand gets fluffier. 

Yoga pose picture...

with a reality check picture.

So here we were on the beach, close to the water for the kids to collect it easily, but far enough that it wasn't washing over the creations. And then suddenly a wave came in 40-50 feet further and washed over all our stuff and we were scrambling to collect everything from floating away in the water.

Cars still drive on the beach, including huge RVs that are too heavy and get stuck and require help to get unstuck. Not speaking as a witness...

Watching this girl play in the water was one of my favorite parts about the beach experience! Most of the other kids played with the sand, but Thora played with the beach. She needs more beach in her life. No, Lori, I'm not sending her to live with you. Maybe...

{Dancy & Samson}


Those toes!

Lots of light, but still a cloudy day. Shad's friend Terri met up with us and she said we caught the best day they'd had in weeks. Good thing, too, because the next morning all that rainy weather we had driven through caught up to us.0

Thora says that looks like a volcano.


Watching the water wash over my feet...

and pull the sand back with it as it returns to the sea.

Sand level watching the waves roll in.

Inspired by my yoga, Thora wanted to do her own yoga poses.

Beach waves!

I loved these little birds! This one did not appreciate me following it.

Tommy, Shad and Katie jumping waves. Okay, just Tommy and Katie were jumping. Shad stood still as their support. When Katie pulled me out later for wave jumping, I jumped with them. Katie said I was more fun than Shad, which was fun for me to hear because usually I'm not so appreciated.

Shad also held Sam's and Thora's hands for the waves.

Tommy in the background!

Tommy rebuilt his destroyed sand construction.

Ha! I just saw this picture and thought, "Oh! It got overcast enough that I didn't need to wear my sunglasses." But then I remembered that this was pre-Lasik and that those are prescription sunglasses that I definitely wore the whole time at the beach because I used to be blind as a bat. I moved the glasses up only for this picture.

Something about the sand and waves, clouds and sky, tiny birds, and this wood post. I just love this shot.

Oh, that's funny! I just saw that whichever child it was that took this picture only got half of me in it. Maybe they thought the picture was only for Terri and Shad. Hahahaha!


Ice cream at Hershey's just a quarter-mile in from the beach. Samson is always happy when there are dairy-free options!


{Dancy, Tommy, Katie}

"Look, Mom! I made da Hoover Dam!" I love how much he loved the Hoover Dam!

Katie took some pictures.

We wanted to have a sunset dinner at the beach, but were too slow in getting there. So we had a dusk dinner at the beach listening to the surf.

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